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Welcome to my Beer Page.

"You can't be a Real Country unless you have a BEER and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a BEER"
-Frank Zappa

I like Beer for countless reasons. A few of those reasons are - beer tastes good, beer looks good, beer commercials are funny and beer goes well with Golf.

My top five favorite beers of all time are:

  1. Natural Light - I like the taste and it has almost always fit my budget. Natural light was considered a premium beer during the days that I lived in Ocean City, Maryland. It was nice to drink a beer other than National Boh that was affordable. I believe that it is still considered a premium beer in O.C. these days. Natural Light is currently my beer of choice. I can afford more expensive beers, but I choose Natural Light. I look forward to picking up at least one cold Natural every night when I stop at Franklin Liquors (my third favorite Beer store of all time).
  2. Foster's Lager - Taste's good, good commercials and the Outback Steak House serves it in really big mugs.
  3. Bud Light - Doesn't give me a headache like regular Bud and the commercials are hilarious. Brings back memories too.
  4. San Miguel - A beer from the Phillipines. Pretty good in both Light and Dark, but you can drink more light.
  5. Schlitz - It made a city famous and it was the first beer that I swiped from my Dad's private stock.
Beer.com is a very cool site. Check it out.